Two queer horror nerds sit in a closet and revisit R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series. New episodes every first and third Monday!
Andy and Alyssa return to the world of Give Yourself Goosebumps with #12: Welcome to the Wicked Wax Museum. As they explore this presumably Massachusetts-based attraction, they encounter history, horrors, Easter eggs, and puzzling workplaces. Follow @saypodanddie on Instagram, and get in touch at sa...
Andy and Alyssa read Goosebumps HorrorLand #5: Dr. Maniac vs. Robby Schwartz, which achieves the distinction of being the worst book they've read for the podcast (so far). Along the way, they discuss questionable fashion choices, Ice Capades, unhinged male villains, veggie burgers and nachos, bizarr...
This week, Andy and Alyssa read Goosebumps HorrorLand #4: The Scream of the Haunted Mask. As they reacquaint themselves with Carly Beth Caldwell, they discuss trauma, bad friends, lopsided grins, scary horse things, ghost animals, obscure historical attractions, and the mysterious shopkeeper's motiv...
In this bonus episode, Andy and Alyssa revisit their old game, RLS vs LMN -- with a twist. This time, Andy must guess whether a plot summary was written by R.L. Stine, the Lifetime Movie Network, or Chat GPT. Play along and let us know how you did! Follow @saypodanddie on Instagram, and get in touch...
Andy and Alyssa read Goosebumps HorrorLand #3: Monster Blood for Breakfast! Along the way, they discuss cool kids, science versus sci-fi, food issues, confusing size logistics, wild science fair projects, steroids, and the horrors of the Internet. Follow @saypodanddie on Instagram, and get in touch ...